Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Tuesday, September 8th



Highlights from today. We:

- had PE in the gym. We played a space game with Ms. Nanavaty and her student teacher

- did some work on the art that we started on Friday and used paint!

- wrote in our journals about memories. Ask us about our writing!

- started a novel starring Julie B. Jones

- had our first assembly of the year. It was a Virtual Assembly! We got to see Mr Murphy. Mrs. Koleyak, and Mrs. Johnston

- were hungry today so make sure you are sending us lots of food!

- made patterns and went on a pattern hunt outside. Then we put our sheets into our new blue duotangs

- noticed that some sod is being put outside

- wrote this blog - hope you liked it :)


- Thank you for dropping off and having having a meeting spot for your family so pick up goes quickly. This really helps our students develop independence and routines. 

- Reminder to please label all items sent to school so that they can be easily returned to your child in the event it gets dropped


  So sorry we haven't posted a blog in a while! Mrs. Cose was away, but is happy to be back today :) IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Our Daily b...