Friday, September 18, 2020

Friday, September 18

Whew! That was a FAST Friday!

Highlights from today: 

-We had PE and did laps around the field and played Rock, Paper, Scissors. (Braelyn)

- We worked on an art project. Some of us were able to finish the rest will finish next week. (Karis)

- We made puzzles out of hundreds charts and then practiced putting it back together. (Garrison)

- We made bookmarks. (Ellie)


Thank you so much to all families I was able to connect with this week for Conferences. If you missed  signing up please email Mrs. Cose to set up a time soon.

Please make sure you read Mr.Murphy's Principal's message and any other emails from the school as there are some changes to our routines starting next week.

Link to Mr. Murphy's message:


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Thursday, September 17

 Highlights from today:

- We had a guest teacher and she was SO impressed with how AWESOME our class was :)

- Think outside the box writing (Dru)

- Read some picture books (Braelyn)

- We got to go to the park today (Cohen)

- In math we played Snakes and Ladders, Race to 100,  or a puzzle (Louis)

- We finished our chapter book (Karis)

- We learned the proper way to run in PE and ran for 5 minutes around the posts. Then we a played Rock, Paper, Scissors game. (Owen)

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Wednesday, September 16

 What a day! We were so busy all day long!


- Snuck in a little playground time this afternoon! (Cohen)

- We had a chance to work in the Learning Commons. *Books will not be coming home this year, but we will get to borrow them to use at school.* (Karis)

- We listened to a song about Terry Fox and watched a video.

- In Music, we listened to Cannon D for the last time and wrote on our heart sheets. We also got to do a GoNoodle. (Owen)

- We played in the field a recess time. (Louis)

- For eye opener we did a sort for rhyming words with -an and -at. (Ezekiel)

- We wrote in our journals about what Kevin Henkes books have reminded us of. (Braelyn)

- We did a math challenge trying to fill in pieces of a hundreds chart with missing numbers. (Dru)

- We played Guess my number, Find the number, and Snakes and Ladders. (Garrison)

- In Junie B today she told her class that her baby brother was a monkey! Really her baby was as cute as a little monkey. (Gianna)

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Tuesday, September 15



- We had outside PE and played at the park at lunch recess! (Louis)

- We added magnets and paper clips to our Me Behind the Mask art. (Karis)

- We talked about magnets and what is attracts magnets and what does not.  (Braelyn)

- We started a Social Studies project and drew My House, and we listened to a story about houses in different places. We also started a new Junie B book. (Kyle)

- In Math, we did a mystery number challenge and made number pattern books.  (Owen)

-  We brainstormed things we know a lot of facts about and then wrote in our Journals. I wrote about kitties. (Garrison)

- We ran around the field in PE for 4 minutes.  (Dru)

- We read a story about tadpoles and lots of kids took a turn reading to the class. (Gianna)


We spend lots of time outside every day please send appropriate clothing for our ever changing Calgary weather.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Monday, September 14


Highlights from today:

- PE outside and practicing for our Terry Fox run. (Cohen)

- We did this blog for you. (Dru)

- The fire alarm went off and 5 fire trucks came to the school. It was a false alarm, but we did a great job and knew what to day. (Owen)

- In Music we listened to a song called Cannon in D and did a sheet in our red folders, (Braelyn)

- We finished our chapter book. (Karis)

- We practiced skip counting by 2's 10's and 5's and played BUZZ. (Garrison)

- We played at the park at recess. (Ellie)

- Did some more work with the 7 Health Habits and finished a page in our Visual journals. (Cohen)

- We drew about our weekend and I drew a picture of hello neighbor bird. (Austin)

- We talked a bit about magnets in science before the fire alarm went off! (Owen) 

- We presented our weekend pictures on the smart board. (Owen)


Please return demographic packages ASAP

Any outstanding library books should be returned

Conferences for our class are this week. Please sign up for a time! *These will be phone calls not at school conferences.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Friday, September 11

 Happy Friday!

A warm and sunny end our second week of school :)

Highlights from today:

- This morning we did some work with patterns this morning using shapes and numbers.

- We started talking about The 7 Healthy Habits focussing on Habit 1: Be Proactive. This work will continue next week as we think about what we can control and what we cannot. Click on the image for a link to the story we listened to.

- We are bringing home a sheet to work on over the weekend. This is a launch to our focus in Science on Magnets. If you have time to complete this and return for Monday that would be much appreciated. The intention of this task is to begin learn about the interaction of magnets with common materials.

- In PE we played outside with Ms. Nanavay. Thank you parents for making sure your child has proper footwear and a water bottle everyday!

- Our first 5 day week of school!
- Conferences for our class. Please sign up for a time using Conference Manager. 

- Please contact Mrs. Cose if you have any questions and any other inquiries at 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Thursday, September 10

 Whew! What a great day!

Today we:

 - listened to a new song called Vowel Bat Click the link!

- wrote the blog for you thinking about how wonderful our families are :)

- started talking about our science unit MAGNETS!

- had PE and played a Rock, Paper Scissors game and Magic Rock

- in math we showed our teacher what we could do with number lines and ten frames. Then we got to color a mystery picture

- had snack and lunch- thanks for the healthy treats!

- did our first Think Outside the Box challenge and wrote about it

-added color to our masked/unmasked self-portraits and showed off our art skills

- read Duck, Rabbit and Junie B. Jones



Your child is bringing home information for logging into Raz-Kids and Epic books. Please take some time to check these out with your children. *The Raz kids accounts were imported from last years teacher and have not been adjusted for this year yet.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Wednesday, September 9

  Today was spectacular we had a great time doing:

- recess at the playground

- writing this blog ;)

- starting a masked/unmasked self-portrait

- working with hundreds charts in math by filling in the blanks and figuring out What's my number challenges

- Music with Ms.Lysak drawing how our hearts feel

- GoNoodle body breaks like a nose dance one that helped us with breathing and Never Eat Soggy Waffles that taught us about North. South, East and West

- admiring our beautiful art after the finishing touches were added

- our eyeopener which was printing practice

- reading about Junie B and her problem with reading and reading Marvin Gets Mad - it was hilarious!


Please return demographic packages ASAP

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Tuesday, September 8th



Highlights from today. We:

- had PE in the gym. We played a space game with Ms. Nanavaty and her student teacher

- did some work on the art that we started on Friday and used paint!

- wrote in our journals about memories. Ask us about our writing!

- started a novel starring Julie B. Jones

- had our first assembly of the year. It was a Virtual Assembly! We got to see Mr Murphy. Mrs. Koleyak, and Mrs. Johnston

- were hungry today so make sure you are sending us lots of food!

- made patterns and went on a pattern hunt outside. Then we put our sheets into our new blue duotangs

- noticed that some sod is being put outside

- wrote this blog - hope you liked it :)


- Thank you for dropping off and having having a meeting spot for your family so pick up goes quickly. This really helps our students develop independence and routines. 

- Reminder to please label all items sent to school so that they can be easily returned to your child in the event it gets dropped

Friday, September 4, 2020

Friday, September 4

Happy Friday!

What a fantastic end to our first week in Grade 2!!


-  PE outside on the playground

-  playing a math game

-  GoNoodle and reading TWO stories (Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse and Click, Clack, Moo)

- starting a words about me art 

- snack

- celebrating G's birthday

- cupcake birthday math

Have a fabulous long weekend. See you Tuesday!

Thursday, September 3, 2020

September 3rd


Our first day all together was AMAZING!

We had a great time today some highlights were:

- playing at the park in PE

- playing in the field with Ms.Lang's class

- figuring out Which One Doesn't Belong in Math

- having a body break with GoNoodle - we leveled up today!!

- some all work for our Visual Journals

- Writing in our journals (Our teacher was SO impressed with our writing :) )

- Meeting Mrs.Rana 


- Friday's are always half days. Dismissal is 11:45

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

September 2

Highlights from today:

- We got to play at the park and had a great time! We noticed that the slide is metal and super fast. the higher side on the spinning mushroom is hard to reach. The monkey bars are tough on our hands.

- Ms.Lysak came to our class for Music class. We read a story and watched some songs. We hummed O'Canada.

- We decorated name tags for our bins.

- We read a book called Wemberly Worries and drew a picture of Wemberly.

- In the morning we played a math game and did a Math about Me sheet.

- We love having our own supplies like Sharpies, pencils, and visual journals.

It was an awesome first day in Grade 2 and we can't wait to see all of our new friends and classmates tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

September 1, 2020

 We had a fantastic "take one" on the first day in Grade 2! Thank you families for sending your children to school so prepared for new protocols and with everything they needed to have a successful day. Tomorrow I am looking forward to meeting the rest of my class in "take two" and cannot wait to have everyone together on Thursday.

*I won't be posting photos of students until release forms are returned so watch for your packages to come home later this week and return all forms ASAP 

Some highlights from today. We:

- went to the park and played for both the lunch recess and PE

- read the book Wemberly Worried and drew a picture of Wemberly. We also did some writing about worries and things we can do if we are worried or scared

- decorated name tags for our bins

- played snakes and ladders

- did some Math about Me

- danced to a few songs




  So sorry we haven't posted a blog in a while! Mrs. Cose was away, but is happy to be back today :) IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Our Daily b...