Friday, September 11, 2020

Friday, September 11

 Happy Friday!

A warm and sunny end our second week of school :)

Highlights from today:

- This morning we did some work with patterns this morning using shapes and numbers.

- We started talking about The 7 Healthy Habits focussing on Habit 1: Be Proactive. This work will continue next week as we think about what we can control and what we cannot. Click on the image for a link to the story we listened to.

- We are bringing home a sheet to work on over the weekend. This is a launch to our focus in Science on Magnets. If you have time to complete this and return for Monday that would be much appreciated. The intention of this task is to begin learn about the interaction of magnets with common materials.

- In PE we played outside with Ms. Nanavay. Thank you parents for making sure your child has proper footwear and a water bottle everyday!

- Our first 5 day week of school!
- Conferences for our class. Please sign up for a time using Conference Manager. 

- Please contact Mrs. Cose if you have any questions and any other inquiries at 


  So sorry we haven't posted a blog in a while! Mrs. Cose was away, but is happy to be back today :) IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Our Daily b...