Thursday, September 10, 2020

Thursday, September 10

 Whew! What a great day!

Today we:

 - listened to a new song called Vowel Bat Click the link!

- wrote the blog for you thinking about how wonderful our families are :)

- started talking about our science unit MAGNETS!

- had PE and played a Rock, Paper Scissors game and Magic Rock

- in math we showed our teacher what we could do with number lines and ten frames. Then we got to color a mystery picture

- had snack and lunch- thanks for the healthy treats!

- did our first Think Outside the Box challenge and wrote about it

-added color to our masked/unmasked self-portraits and showed off our art skills

- read Duck, Rabbit and Junie B. Jones



Your child is bringing home information for logging into Raz-Kids and Epic books. Please take some time to check these out with your children. *The Raz kids accounts were imported from last years teacher and have not been adjusted for this year yet.


  So sorry we haven't posted a blog in a while! Mrs. Cose was away, but is happy to be back today :) IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Our Daily b...